Wednesday 18 July 2012

Refusing delivery of Nexus 7

If, like me, you want to go to a shop and buy the Nexus 7 rather than wait for delivery from Google Play, here's the instructions they've just sent me for doing so:

Thank you for contacting Google. It was my pleasure assisting you today.

At this point it's no longer possible to cancel this preorder. Preorder
shipment processing on your order has begun, which means that our shipping
provider is moving forward with delivery preparation.

Our expedited order fulfillment process ensures that packages are
delivered quickly, which also means that there is a very short window of
time to cancel an order prior to our shipping provider moving forward with

I recommend leaving a prominent note on the door to let our shipping
provider know that you're refusing delivery of the package. In some cases
our shipping provider has returned packages if their drivers see a note
for refusal of delivery. The note should include the following:

- Refuse delivery-Return to Sender
- Include signature
- Include tracking #

If your package is returned due to refusal of delivery, your order will be
cancelled and refunded within 2 weeks.

If the package is successfully delivered in spite of the delivery refusal
note on your door, you can still refuse delivery of unopened packages
within 5 days of delivery. To do so, contact our shipper directly to
schedule a pick up of your package. Make sure to let them know that the
pickup is specifically because you're refusing delivery.

IMPORTANT: Don't open the package. Our shipper won't allow refusal of
delivery for opened packages.

If there is anything further we can assist you with, please feel free to
reply directly to this email or visit our help center at:

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